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Questions to ask yourself if your team still uses resumés to assess talent

Questions to ask yourself if your team still uses resumés to assess talent

If you are a Talent Acquisition leader and your team is still using resumés to assess talent, then you should ask yourself some important questions….

  1. How innovative is our talent acquisition process considering we still look at the same type of document to assess talent that have been used for the past 100 years?
  2. How much time (honestly) do I think our recruiters and hiring managers spend on each requisition reviewing resumés, going back and forth about qualifications so we can find the “right” resumés, and interviewing non-qualified candidates based on resumés?
  3. Are resumés really the most effective tool for assessing talent?
  4. How much context, specificity, objectivity, and sometimes accuracy is missing from the resumé?
  5. When screening applicants using resumes is there really much more than just keyword matching between resumés and job descriptions? Related…how ambiguous are our job descriptions? What does “knowledge of…” and “experience with….” really mean?
  6. Is it fair to expect a recruiter who has likely never done the role for which they are hiring, to be enough of a subject matter expert that they can identify top applicants by quickly looking at a resumé?
  7. How happy do I think applicants are about having to provide a resumé every time they apply for a job?
  8. How can I honestly improve our DE&I initiatives when we are still using the single biggest source of unconscious bias, the resumé?
  9. What type of feedback loop and data are we using or analyzing to better predict qualifications that are relevant for each requisition if we are using resumés as our input data?
  10. Why are we still using resumés to assess talent?