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Hiring Manager

Stop Wasting Time on Inefficient Processes and

Focus on the Business

Empowering Hiring Managers for Efficient Talent Acquisition

Employing top talent requires identifying and hiring the most qualified candidates, quickly and efficiently.

Redundantly reviewing resumes and wasting time conducting interviews with non-qualified candidates is not how a hiring manager should be spending their time.

As a Hiring Manager, the challenge of scouring through endless resumes, conducting interviews, and ensuring you find the most suitable candidate for your team can often detract from your core responsibilities.

By enabling the creation of specific, criteria-based questions, SmartRank effectively stack-ranks applicants, ensuring that only the most qualified are presented for review and interview. This strategic approach not only saves valuable time by reducing the need for extensive resume reviews, but also minimizes wasted interviews by highlighting prequalified candidates.  Furthermore, SmartRank clarifies communication between applicants and hiring managers, reducing ambiguity and ultimately leading to more informed hiring decisions.

With SmartRank, take control of the recruitment process, streamline your hiring workflow, and significantly reduce attrition by ensuring a perfect match between the role and the candidate.

Unfortunately priorities between recruiters and hiring managers are often not aligned with each other. This leads to dysfunction, frustration, and misaligned expectations. Does anyone ever wonder why “Hiring Manager Engagement” is on the list of top talent acquisition initiatives every year? Would you like to know some of the root causes for the problems between hiring managers and recruiters? 

Read Below how SmartRank Helps Hiring Managers be more Efficient. 

Save time, stop reviewing resumes

How SmartRank Helps

SmartRank enables hiring managers to create specific questions that identify the criteria they’re looking for in each applicant. SmartRank then stack-ranks those applicants, so recruiters only send the hiring managers the top-ranked applicants to review and interview.

Less time reviewing resumes

How SmartRank Helps

In SmartRank, hiring managers look at applicants’ answers to specific questions they created. Each applicant has a stack-ranked numerical score to save recruiters and hiring managers time by only looking at top-ranked applicants.

Fewer wasted interviews

How SmartRank Helps

Each applicant has a Match Profile, which shows their answers to the hiring manager’s specific questions. This allows hiring managers to only sit in interviews with candidates that they know are already prequalified.

Reduce ambiguity (in applicant/HM communication)


How SmartRank Helps

SmartRank enables hiring managers (SMEs) to create highly specific questions and answers that give them the exact information they want to know about an applicant. This removes the ambiguity about the role of both the recruiters and applicants.

Reduce Attrition


How SmartRank Helps

In SmartRank, hiring managers are in control of creating the specific questions they want answers to about applicants. The more detailed the question and answers, the better the results.

Companies Already Using SmartRank

to find their next top talent